Visual Impairment

Whether you have experience playing in an online chess league, or not, we want you to participate in Snailbucket tournaments without problems. We have written a help article that explains how our website works. All games are played on the Free Internet Chess Server FICS for which screen-readable interfaces have been developed.

Profile settings

Upon joining Snailbucket, members can create a profile. A mouse is needed to drag and drop some of the elements. Feel free to ignore the respective settings in the profile creation dialogue. Create your SB account, confirm this through the email sent to you, and let us know via separate email of the following settings:

1. Your country (disclosure voluntary).
2. Your preferred time controls (disclosure encouraged; help article here).
3. Your generally bad times (disclosure strongly encouraged; help article here); use FICS server time which is EDT/EST.

Please check both help articles to learn how these features work.

After we have received your email, we will adjust your settings manually for you.


In your email, you might tell us to set your preferences e.g. in the following way:


I'm visually impaired. Please create my profile in the following way:
1. Country: Canada.
2. Preferred time controls, in this order: 90 30, 45 45, 50 10. No games with 120 30, or 75 0, please.
3. Generally bad times for me to start a game: 2100 until 0900 FICS server time.

Kind regards."


Please contact us, if anything is not working as expected, if an image lacks alternative text, or if you have suggestions how we can improve the website. Thank you!