SB Knockout 1 Tourney guide

The following contains all tourney-related info for beginners.
If you have experience playing in an online chess league, e.g. Teamleague, you may focus on Snailbucket specialties highlighted in orange font, and then sign up.

In a nutshell

3-round elimination/knockout tournament in January/February 2025.
14 days to schedule and play your match.
Your match consists of two rapid games of 25' + 10'' inc. with the same opponent.
The winner gets promoted to the next round.


1. Understand how Snailbucket works.
2. Create your Snail Bucket account.
3. Sign up to the tourney between Fri, December 27th and Fri, January 10th.

Depending on the number of participants and rating gaps, elimination/knockout format buckets with max. 8 players will be formed. Check signed-up players and provisional buckets here.
BYEs: No BYE requests.


1. Please speed up negotiations by marking bad times in your profile. You may change them throughout the tourney, as long as you have no pending game.
2. Your Time Control Preferences are deactived for this rapid tournament.

Playing dates

You have one match every other week; 14 days to schedule and play your games:

  • Round 1: Tue, January 14th - Mon, January 27th
  • Round 2: Tue, January 28th - Mon, February 10th
  • Round 3: Tue, February 11th - Mon, February 24th

The SB Knockout 1 rounds trail behind the SB Rapid 2 rounds by one week. You may play in both tournaments.


Posting of pairings: Tuesday, 2200 FICS server time. Access your game forum, start negotiations.
1st contact deadline: Thursday, 2200 FICS server time. Meet this deadline, or you may have to accept one of your opponent's offers.
2nd contact deadline: Friday, 2200 FICS server time. Meet this deadline, or your opponent may claim a forfeit win.

Please speak English.
Talk to your opponent only in your game forum.
Make at least three distinct time offers (hours apart and/or on different days).
Pay attention to your opponent's bad times.
Reply to your opponent reasonably fast (ideally within 24 hours).
Allow 24 hours buffer between setting the clock and game start.

FICS settings

Check your server settings. Type (or copy and paste) into your FICS command console:


If necessary, make the following adjustments:

set notakeback 1
set private 0
set noescape 0
set rated 1
set autoflag 1

We have written a Help article about avoiding to lose a game accidentally. The short version is:

set f7 !private and !noescape and rated
set formula f7

Match format

Every round will consist of two rated rapid games against the same opponent. Time control: 25' + 10'' inc.

Tentatively: Use "tell snailbot play" to start the first of the two games. (tbc!)

Otherwise: Use "match" to start your first game, e.g. "match pchesso 25 10 rated white". If the FICS server warns you that a disconnection will be considered a forfeit, abort the game. You and your opponent must "set noescape 0". Resend the match challenge. For game 2, use "rematch", so that the colours are reversed. Feel free to arrange quick breaks between the games.

If the match is tied after these two games: play pairs of 3' + 2'' inc. blitz games until a match winner is found.

Please report the result.

If you arrive more than 15 minutes late for your game, your opponent may claim a forfeit win.

Game play

Applicable Teamleague rules apply:

  • silence
  • fair play
  • no kibitzing
  • no takebacks
  • no repetitive draw offers

Assistance of any kind is prohibited during your game.


No tie-breaks.


We may ban any player who lacks common courtesy in game forum negotiations, disrespects an FICS rule laid out in "help abuse", or is in any way a disagreeable troublemaker. We can only monitor posts on our website, but we ask that you practise good sportsmanship in your FICS tells and whispers, too.


If anything comes up, contact TD pchesso.

Enjoy the tournament, good chess!