Click "Edit" from the menu above the wiki page you want to edit.
Start editing your article.
Scroll down. Click "Preview" to review your edits.
Go on working on your article. Click "Preview" as often as you wish.
Once you're satisfied with the result, scroll down. Click "Save".
Editing controls toolbar
Clicking a toolbar icon lets you perform the following on selected text:
link inside/outside our wiki
level 2 headline; add picture
mask wiki text; add separator
By using just the toolbar, you can write a whole wiki page. However, feel free to start learning wiki markup: If text is preceded and/or followed by a set of characters, they tell the text how to behave. Examples:
What you want
What you type
What you get
Bold text
An '''example''' of bold text.
An example of bold text.
Green text
An <font color="green">example</font> of green text.